Overview of the webinar

We are all familiar with the “Sandwich” model of giving negative feedback – slice of something positive, then the constructive criticism/negative feedback, followed by a slice of something positive. There is so much more to being effective than this one idea. Register and collect them all.  

As a bonus, don’t miss out on receiving the 3 self-tests that guarantee you the skills to empower, engage and inspire employees for long term loyalty to you, retention for your organization, and how to coach.

Area Covered In The Webinar

How to identify when you start to lose control?

The ‘Snowball Effect’ of uncontrolled negative people

Why you need to develop communication/interpersonal skills?

How to read and understand body language?

What creates workplace dysfunction and how to correct it?

Identify negative workplace performance measures

What good communication creates – and is vital to the workplace?

Leadership styles that create trust

3 Core Strategies in Relationship Development

8 Vital Communication Principles

Top 10 Measures and Solutions for CARE-ing

Why should you attend?

This value packed webinar provides you the must know strategies for improving difficult workplace and personal relationships. You will move from blame to self-awareness, critical thinking, and problem-solving action steps.

An effective leader / supervisor / manager, knows how to handle conflict and how to get the person to say yes to your request to change their behaviour.

About the speaker

Bruce Lee

Years of Experience: 48+ years

Bruce Lee has been educating and inspiring audiences with practical and proven information they can immediately implement into the personal and professional lives and for improved business growth or efficiency. A varied business and leadership backg