Overview of the webinar
It is our nature to think we all do it. However, a good share of our thinking is biased, distorted, or incomplete. Critical thinking is an essential skill for both managers and employees. Few of us are effective critical thinkers though research suggests that leaders believe they think quite well. Critical thinking ensures we pose the right questions, view others’ viewpoints with merit, and challenge assumptions in strategic thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving. Non-critical thinkers shoot down ideas before they are understood, or take action based on faulty assumptions resulting in a business disaster. Teams, as well as individuals, must learn to think critically which requires a work atmosphere that is conducive to challenging others’ perspectives. Critical thinking enables teams to develop positive insights and ideas that lead to effective action. It focuses on reframing and rethinking issues so that the right problems are addressed, and requires challenging conventional wisdom. Using the process of critical thinking leads to reasoned conclusions, better decisions, fewer mistakes, and improved collaboration among team members.
There is not a consistent definition of critical thinking. The American Academy of Advanced Thinking defines “Critical thinking as the systematic approach to dissecting and analyzing problems, and developing solutions through benchmarking best practices.” Critical thinking involves the ability to not simply accept all arguments and perspectives.
Area Covered In The Webinar
Define critical thinking
List characteristics of critical thinkers
Examine the critical thinking process
Explore the elements of reasoning
Discuss critical thinking techniques
Identify organizational, team, and individual critical thinking barriers
Why should you attend?
New research has discovered that college graduates do not possess the necessary Critical Thinking skills employers are searching for. Pick up almost any trade journal, magazine, or newspaper, and they are filled with articles about new graduates and even seasoned employees missing the mark in exhibiting critical thinking in their jobs. A 2014 study found that job postings listing critical thinking skills as a requirement for a position had doubled since 2009. The study found that 6700 management job postings referenced critical thinking as a requirement for the position.
About the speaker
Years of Experience: 25+ years
Dr. Susan Strauss RN Ed.D. is a national and international speaker, trainer and consultant. Her specialty areas include education and workplace harassment, discrimination and bullying; organization development, and management/leadership development.