Overview of the webinar

In a workplace, problems are solved all day long and interpersonal conflicts should be just another problem to be solved. However, it’s always easier to solve problems regarding things. But the people side of problems is usually trickier and in actuality, it’s highly unlikely that any problem solved in the workplace doesn’t have a people element to it. Some people like to say nothing in business is personal, others say everything in business is personal. In actuality, as is with most situations, it's probably somewhere in the middle and fluid, being dependent on the situation and the people involved. Therein lies the problem, what might not cause a problem one day, the next day can cause a huge blowup dependent on the factors and people involved. Some employees are highly reactionary while others have good problem-solving skills.

It’s important that those who are responsible for managing people and problems have a system by which to manage the people side of problems. Because it’s astonishing how simple conflicts can take over and render ineffective large segments of an organization.

Conflict is an unavoidable by-product in every workplace because all people in any workplace are different. Conflict is common, even necessary, and is as natural, as is the change of seasons. Conflict can even spark great innovation. However, unchecked conflict can cause conduct whereas coworkers are not exhibiting ordinarily accepted working principles of professionalism, teamwork, and respect on a continual and routine basis. Extreme conflict can even cause dysfunctional behaviors up to and including company “sabotage.”

Area Covered In The Webinar

Determine your personal conflict management style

How trauma causes conflict. How developing resiliency, trust, and encouraging delegation develops conflict-solving skills

What can a manager, project leader, or team leader do to help employees solve their own day-to-day conflicts

Handling inevitable day-to-day conflicts

How to have a 10-minute meditation

Recognizing dysfunction, sabotage, and bullying. What to do about it

Being assertive without being aggressive

Feedback as information. Having hard conversations

Why should you attend?

Unchecked employee conflict can impact productivity, stifle creativity, and negatively impact customers. Severe conflict can interfere with a reasonable person’s otherwise enjoyable job to the extent that the employee leaves. For employees that stay, extreme conflict can cause a fallout of a negative nature into an employee’s personal life. Since employee mood and group mood otherwise known, as morale is the most critical factor whether employees work toward goals, extreme conflict is not just a little problem. In fact, it is a huge business problem if an employer has dysfunctional conflict occurring in a workplace.

About the speaker

Teri Morning

Years of Experience: 20+ years

Teri Morning, MBA, MS, specializes in solving company “people problems” and providing big company style HR service to small business. Teri has enjoyed consulting with employers through the country, solving problems and training managers and employee